Ricamare fiori, c'è qualcosa di più tradizionale? Ed è quello che sto facendo, ricamare fiori su cuscini di tela grezza e - a sorpresa - è un lavoro che mi sta dando grandissima soddisfazione.
"You know how when you're listening to music playing from another room? And you're singing along because it's a tune that you really love? When a door closes or a train passes so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway... then, no matter how much time passes, when you hear the music again you're still in exact same time with it. That's what it's like..."
My name is Rossella Ogliarulo, I'm italian.
I am a maker/ embroideress/ illustrator/ cool hunting/ costume designer/ stylist/ book-art-movie lover and obsessed with earrings and style.
F.A.R. is my space for sharing the pictures I take, the art I make, and bits & pieces of what's inspiring me.